Traveling with UBELONG.

Lots of people have been asking me what missions group I traveled with while in Peru, so I’ve decided to write a post on my traveling, and the group that I went through more specifically. To many of my readers surprise, I did not travel with a missions group or church, but with a non-profit run out of the D.C. area called UBELONG. I heard of this program through a dear friend of mine, Sammy Spence, who had traveled through them to South Africa for a semester. After her rave reviews, lots of research, and many discussions with my family, we decided that UBELONG was the best choice for me. Traveling with UBELONG could not have been more perfect. Really it was incredible. It was much more affordable than any other abroad program i had looked up (including going through my school, CofC) as well as any other mission/Christian based organizations. It really was so affordable for everything I received and all of the quality support I received from the professional and talented UBELONG staff. They really are the best at what they do. Before I left the United States, I was mentored and offered the best of their services and advice by their highly reputable mentors. They spoke with my parents, assured them I was going to be in a safe area with a staff in Peru, and they made sure that they were feeling okay about me traveling (as much as they could be put at ease about me being in a developing country for over a month HA). UBELONG offers so many opportunities for people of many different ages, capabilities and talents. You can go for any amount of time, from one week to a number of months, and you truly get what you pay for. My accommodations were comfortable, safe, and I never doubted that UBELONG had my best interest at heart while I was traveling. Many times while I was away I received emails from my UBELONG mentor, Adriana, checking in on me and asking if there was anything I needed. It felt great to know I had someone to call or message if I had any complications or issues while being that far away from home.
So to all of my friends who were like me and could not afford to study abroad, or could not take an entire semester away from classes, UBELONG is an incredibly flexible option for travel. And I wouldn’t have changed a thing about my trip, (except maybe extend my time in the clinic until forever….never wanted to leave those babies.) UBELONG was so attentive to what I needed and were open to helping me schedule my trip for whatever times/dates I needed.
If anyone is looking for ways to travel cheaply and safely- and with a company that really does things right- a grass roots movement that is sustainable and being done the right way, do not hesitate to apply for a trip through UBELONG.

And for the spiritual aspect, I want to encourage all of my friends who believe in His Love to travel with an unbiased, non-religious affiliated program once in your life if you can. It will grow you, and teach you how to really love others who need it. It is easy to become complacent with your faith and your beliefs when you’re in a comfortable community of believers being fed the Word and truth everyday by mentors and small group leaders and pastors. But when you step away, out into the real world where there isn’t always a church or someone to hold onto, you learn. You grow. You suffer. You struggle. You cry. You hurt. Your heart breaks for those who need it the most. You remember how perfect True Love is. You gets chills; the kind you got when you became part of the greatest family, when you realized you were a Son or Daughter of the one true King. You learn to see Gods face in EVERY situation. Even the hard ones. It forces you to hang onto your faith with every ounce of energy you have. It makes you truly understand how blessed you are to have real and true Joy permeate through every ounce of your sweet, eternal walk with The Lord. Living life abandoned in a foreign country, trying to find your way when all you have is yourself and His word, His truth, and His guidance, absolute pure beauty. Take a chance. Do it. Abandon normal. Abandon comfort. Abandon your safe supported life for a while. It will be waiting on you with open arms when you return Home. He promises us that much.

Taking a trip through UBELONG was one of the best experiences of my life. I’m already aching to return, to release more love and support into the nation of Peru.

One thought on “Traveling with UBELONG.

  1. Hi there,
    Just wanted to thank you as a random stranger who this post has helped. I’m planning out some time volunteering currently and looking into UBELONG and stumbled across this and found it really encouraging. Also you have a nice writing style. So again thanks.
    Blessings, Z

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