Thank you Home.

This afternoon has been nothing but rainy cold and I’m feeling more than sore from my yoga retreat this past weekend, so I’ve been going through my journal and re-reading some writing from mid march until now. I am floored at all the love and support that my community has shared and given me over the past few months. I never expected in March that I would be in Peru this summer, with plans for Honduras in the works…I thought my summer was set. Little did I know that His plan for this summer held so much more. A summer in the Andes, doing what I love most- working with special needs children. These past few weeks here have felt like forever. So many memories and relationships have been formed, and I am so thankful for everyone here who has made Cusco undoubtedly one of the best times of my life.

But, while I was going through this journal, I realized how lucky I am to have the people that I do back home.
This isn’t every thank you to every person I truly owe one to, but these are people I’ve mentioned in my writing over the past few months, who have walked beside me on this journey.

Thank you mom and dad for supporting this dream (and all the other ones) and for guiding me through life in such a positive way. You guys are my heart and soul. My whole world.
Thank you Kaley for saying goodbye to me for the month before you move across the country. And for chasing your dreams. You inspire me every day. Your strength is incredible. And for being the most perfect sister and best friend, I love you more than anything.
Thank you Jason for calling me the day before I left home. That meant the world to me.
Thank you aunt Brenda and uncle Mark for being so quick to want to give and help in anyway you can. All the time.
Thank you Uncle Stevie for always praying over my life and for being a wonderful man of God. You are a light for His kingdom. Thank you Aunt Bonnie for praying for these children and my time here. And for giving me my first cousin to love.
Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for being the best grandparents a girl could ask for. Our time together is cherished and adored.
Thank you (Angel) Nana for helping me pay to go to Germany almost 5 years ago…there I found the true love of Jesus, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without you or that trip.
Thank you Aunt Deb for sending me sweet encouraging emails while I am at school. Though I don’t see you often, your love is some of the strongest in my life.
Thank you to my sweet small group girls in Charleston. (Kristen, Abbey, Georganne, Lauren, Caroline) you girls made this trip happen with prayer. I remember asking you guys and there is not one doubt in my mind that this trip fell into place because of the times you spoke over me with love. I miss you all and can’t wait to be back together. You girls give me life.
Thank you Hillary Mellem for your unending love and grace (and for Tuesday Five Loaves dinners). You have taught me so much. You are an angel, and such a sweet friend. I look to you for many things, but most of all I look up to you for your pure love for Jesus. Never doubt how wonderful you are. Ever.
Thank you Abby for spending the week after classes with me. I can’t think of anyone i’d rather have spent that time with. Our friendship, and your guidance and advice through school and tough times over the past year make me so thankful for your heart and time. And for maymester physiology. I’m so glad I have you in Charleston for at least another semester.
Thank you Alanna for being there every second of the past 3 years. Your friendship was one of my first in Charleston, and definitely the longest. I already miss you, but am so proud of the work you’re going to be doing.
Thank you Erin Walters for living with me for the past 2 years. For your unending support, love, and yummy cooking. I spend the most time around you (even if we are stuck in our rooms doing work), but know that you are a large reason of why I am here. You get me through the hardest days at school and I am so thankful for you.
Thank you Corey Ames for taking me into your room and life freshman year. You will never know how much I owe you for that. I love you sweet, Cor.
Thank you, so much, Nick Rowe. Thank you for your heart and for sharing it with me over the past couple of years. Thank you for sharing your travels and for lighting a fire under me to just go. Thank you for writing, praying, texting, calling, visiting, loving, and getting me to this place after 2 long years of school and life. You don’t know how much your love has guided me to this place, and closer to Jesus. Thank you.
Thank you Maggie Amos for always being my best best friend. I love you to the end, no matter what. You are beautiful and driven, and I miss you every day.
Thank you Matt Campbell for giving me the Motorcycle Diaries and for making me fall even more in love with Peru and South America. This nation can’t wait for your arrival.
Thank you Melina DANIELS for the handmade journal I’ve been writing in for the past few months. I will hold this close always, for it has my travels, hopes, dreams, and life scripted into it- And I will never thank you enough for it. Or for your sweet friendship. Thank you for opening your arms to Nicks random girl when she arrived at your home two years ago. Your love is pure and straight from Heaven.
Thank you Sumiah. You are my true Charleston treasure. Our quiet time and yoga dreams have brought me to a better place in that city. Sweet neighbor letters have brought joy to my face and I am so blessed to call you a Sister. You are sunshine.
Thank you Brennan Baylis. I love your heart. And your traveling dreams. You inspire me. I can’t wait for our final year of school together. And to hear all of your stories from Uganda.
Thank you Amy Knobloch for being a true friend in Charleston. Our long talks and walks are some of my sweetest memories there. Good luck with everything in your bright and beautiful future, angel.
Thank you to Neil and Holly Gardner for loving me during one of the hardest years of my life. Younglife gave me a home in Charleston, and for that, I will never be able to truly thank you both.
Thank you to West Ashley YL team and students. You guys are a large part of my heart and I will never forget the times we shared. You bring me closer to Love. Crooked Creek 2012 with my main ladies, you guys changed my life.
Thank you Leland Gross for that night on the beach when we prayed and cried talking about life. You are the greatest friend. Tanzania is delighted to have you this summer.
Thank you Reh Harvey for going to Uganda and for following the Lords calling on your life. And for mountain weekend 2012. What a dream.
Thank you Caitlin Altman for getting me through last semester with your help and friendship. I love (suffering) with you, school is a brighter place with you. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT YOU NEXT YEAR?
Thank you Kate Wadell for stepping up and loving West Ashley so well. You are a rock star, and one of my sweetest blessings in Charleston.
Thank you Meaghan Carter for the laughs and happy days in Charleston. You are the cutest. Get out there and love life like it loves you.
Thank you HBO for being real and brilliant. Your heart shines so bright, and I love your passion for others and treating them well. Thank you for inviting me into your home always.
Thank you Kevin, Allan, and Gabe for welcoming me to Boone each time I head up the mountain. You guys make my life so much happier.
Thank you Jill Conway for being the best advisor (and friend) a girl could ask for. Thank you for your guidance and more importantly love, over the past years in Charleston. You make that place feel like home.
Thank you Allison and Zach Soler for inviting me into your life and for sharing your sweet baby Eleanor with me over the past year. Your family means more to me than you know. Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you Beth and Cooper Williams for loving me over the past 3 years. Through YL and caring for your children, I feel so blessed to know you and be invited into your lives.

Thank you to everyone who has walked into my life and walked with me over the past few years. I will never be able to fully thank each one of you. But know that love that I’m giving here in Peru comes directly from all of you back Home, through the love you’ve shared with me in the past.
Your lives mean everything to me. And I am so thankful that I get to do life with you all.

Love, cheers, and ill see you all very soon.

4 thoughts on “Thank you Home.

  1. Piper, we love you and are so thankful for your sweet, humble heart! You are wise beyond your years and we are blessed to know you and have you influence Eleanor. Keep up the good work you are doing! xoxo

  2. Dear Piper,
    The world is truly blessed to have you in it. I am sure your heart overflows with joy as you share the love of Christ with these children. You are a very special person and I know the Lord will bless you in ways you can’t even imagine because it all comes from your heart. We love you and support you in any way that we can.
    Love, Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Stevie and Shyann

  3. Sweet, sweet, sweet Piper. You are such an encouragement. This is how I know that you’re daughter of the king: You truly love as Jesus loves. I am one of the many humbled, grateful beneficiaries of this gift of yours. It’s apparent in everything you do, especially in what you’re taking the time to do with your life right now by taking this trip. I hope this trip continues to feed your hunger to know the very mind of God. I love reading about it all. I love you so so much and can’t wait to more about it when you get back. Have the best time my love!!
    Holly Beth


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